You are righter than you know if you would only stop to listen to yourself.
1Sitting and staring
overwhelmed with misdirected trying
Dry and deflating
just like before
No longer walking
Eyes closing to revisit eternities spent dreaming that you were awake
And then
Possibilities appear in unknown languages
unlocking doors to unimagined places
Adventures unfurl like majestic banners
proclaiming freedom
No longer walking
Eyes opening to envision the life you could be leading
Waving away the mist to uncover unconscious
and unacknowledged desires
Undoing the damage of overlooked opportunities
and unmade plans
The point is
To remind yourself that you are the one
you have been waiting for
And to never forget that things
can turn on a dime.
November 25, 2020 at 2:06 pm //
Fantastic journey thanks.